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Sony's decision to focus on late AAA games for Ps3 was the best move they've made in a while.

Both the Ps4 and Xbone had very mediocre launch software, with the Xbone being a bit more diverse (Forza, DR3, Ryse) compared to the Ps4 of basically just Killzone and Knack and f2p games.

You look at those lineups, and wonder why the Ps4 is completely outselling the Xbone globally and in the US, where 360 was once king.

Well, the new gen consoles are selling on hype alone. That's pretty much it. You could've released both with just Angry Birds and they still would have sold. Because of Sony realizing this, they are spacing out their AAA Ps4 games (Driveclub, Infamous, The Order) and will have more depth in 2014 and beyond.

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros