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Commercial failure is a perception...

It has sold over 706,000 copies. That makes it the 3rd best selling Wii U game to date according to stats on this web site. Only Nintendoland and New Super Mario U have done better.

Also according to this site it is the 76th best selling game of the year on all platforms... That means that NBA 2K13 on PS3, Saints Row IV on PS3, Beyond on PS3, Crysis 3 on 360, SplinterCell Blacklist on 360, and many other games cannot be considered commercial successes on a given platform because they all have sold less this year and have been out much longer.

Nintendo games don't tend to light up sales in the first week and then see a 90% drop the second week. Relative to the install base, Nintendo games tend to start slow and continue with very long selling cycles.