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pokoko said:

That's not what I'm saying or what I said.  My point is that platforming is probably the only major genre that it will "win", where most of the fans of that genre will pick the Wii U over the others.  Those who hold another genre as the focal point of their gaming experience will probably look elsewhere first.  Those who want diversity will probably look elsewhere first.

I also pointed out that 2014 looks like a much better year in that regard, though we still have to see how some of the bigger third-party franchises will settle.

I think the Wii U would have benefited greatly had they been able to get some of that 2014 variety into this year.  Only ZombiU, in my opinion, really got the attention of consumers who fall outside the faithful Nintendo circle.  Bayonetta 2 or X would have been great marketing tools for the Wii U while it was still trying to forge an identity.

The Wii U has diversity in genres, just not in terms of games, like for example only 1 fighting game (or at least that I could think of, which is Tekken Tag Tournament). Only talking about good games here of course, there's probably more than 1 crappy fighting game on the Eshop.

So this theory of yours of "winning" because of platformers doesn't apply, the Wii U will lose because of the lack of games (or big games rather), not because of the lack of genres or diversity per se.

Edir: similar to the Vita, plenty of games (mostly indie) from diffrent genres, but simple not big enough.

Nintendo and PC gamer