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VGChartz Estimates for Wii U in Comparison to NPD:

November 2012:
412K prediction -> 425K reality
13K under-predicted

December 2012:
665K prediction -> 463K reality
202K over-predicted

January 2013:
79K prediction -> 57K reality
22K over-predicted

February 2013:
38K prediction -> 66K reality
28K under-predicted

March 2013:
85K prediction -> 68K reality
17K over-predicted

April 2013:
46K prediction -> 37K reality
9K over-predicted

May 2013:
37K prediction -> 33K reality
4K over-predicted

June 2013:
44K prediction -> 42K reality
2K over-predicted

July 2013:
36K prediction -> 29K reality
7K over-predicted

August 2013:
49K prediction -> 31K reality
18K over-predicted

September 2013:
101K prediction -> 95K reality
6K over-predicted

October 2013:
86K prediction -> 50K reality
36K over-predicted

VGChartz has estimated a total of 1.68 million through October. VGChartz is more accurate than Pachter.

If you want to call me nitpicky about that 20k difference, then at the very least, on average Pachter is no more accurate -- and has been no more "generous" to the Wii U -- than VGChartz.