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Just to clarify, I highly doubt the game will be FULL HD 1080p. That would mean the game would be running at 1920x1080, something the consoles would be hard pressed to do well while maintaining the visual quality of lower resolution titles. It's more than double the resolution of 1280x720, and a ton of games don't even run at 1280x720 (Halo 3 and COD4 probably being the biggest titles that don't run full 720p). The game will most likely be running at at anamorphic 1080p. Something like 1280x1080 (GT5 Prologue) or maybe 960x1080 (Uncharted if 720p isn't supported). The former is 50% more pixels than 1280x720, and the latter is about the same number of pixels as 1280x720.