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When will you stop supporting this company ? They keep rehashing the same stuff and never do anything original, yet the blind fans keeps on buying their games. Hear me out and you might come to your senses.

In the first year of the Wii U, among other games, they released the Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3. Yeah, that's right, another Pikmin game! The third game of this franchise in 13 years! A franchise so unoriginal that it's the only real-time strategy games that you can find on consoles. And that's not all, they also released that Pikmin ripoff called the Wonderful 101. That damn game, I played it once at my little cousin's place; the combat system, so deep and refined, it got in the way of me trying to enjoy the story. Why would someone want to play an action game that focus on the depth of gameplay instead of the story ?

Those Nintendo games, argh! I could go on, but I think you get the point. Even Miyamoto said Nintendo is a company that believed in rehashing the same stuff over and over again, here's what he said:

"Certainly within Nintendo," begins Miyamoto, "we have people internally who are saying, 'Well, we have our old characters from our old games, and that's old IP, and we should think about creating new IP.' But the question that we always ask is: 'Does a new character really make it a new game?' And to me, the answer to that is, 'No.'

"What makes it a new game is new gameplay and new interactions. So when we're creating a game, we're always looking at it from, 'What is the gameplay, and how are we making that gameplay new?' And then, 'Who is the character that is best suited to that gameplay?'"

Miyamoto said that even when Nintendo makes a game within an existing franchise, because it has made a new kind of gameplay, it has crafted a new experience. Characters are secondary to that, but may be created if no existing faces fit the new style of play. Pikmin is one example of a franchise created in this way.