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Like Ethomaz have said, if Australia+UK is 215k, and we have here at vgchartz around 800k for NA...., it means that only 171k Xbox One were sold in Austria, Brazil, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand and Spain. Considering the number of Australian sales... I don't believe only 171k units were sold in those countries at all. More like around 300k (around 500k worlwide except USA+Canada), leaving NA with something around 650k 1st week. From this 650k, it seems around 550-600k were sold in USA.

I've said NA 1st week Xbox One sales were around 600k, and it seems i'm going to be right.

If we take from the 2'1 million ps4 sold from Sony at the end of November, being 1'4 million in NA I bet 1'2-1'3 million are sold in USA. So, after week launch, PS4 seems to have sold around 300k in USA, and around 200k in BF week. Even if Xbox one sold more than PS4 on BF, like 300k or 400k, that will sum around 850-950k in USA, leaving an advantage of around 400-500k units for PS4 there.

So probably Pachter is right.