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Dv8thwonder said:
areason said:
Yes and the x1 ps4 library will eclipse the one of the wii u.

You had one job, first post. One job!

If by eclipse, you mean 3rd party software that can be found not only on last gen hardware but PC as well. Then by all means, let the Wi U sit in the shade but don't think for a second that anything Microsoft or Sony will do software-wise can hold a candle to what Nintendo is capable of.

You're kidding right? Sony has released some of the highest rated first party titles on the PS3 which more than hold a candle to what Nintendo is capable of. I enjoy Nintendo games because they are fun but Sony games such as TLOU felt like a greater experience than most of Nintendo's offerings today . Basically, what I'm trying to say is that I would rather play TLOU over Mario or DK. However there is one game from Nintendo which I would rather play over TLOU and that is Zelda.

PS3, PS4, PSV, Wii U, 3DS + 3DS XL Owner.

PlayStation Nation

NNID: aminryu1

I need to stop buying games...