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Legend11 said:
I think camping is pretty lame simply because it forces some people to have to go out and take all the risks in order to try to make the game fun. Imagine a game filled with just campers, everyone finds their own little corner of the map to hide in and then everyone waits. It would be a very boring game.

 Legend I totally agree, it does force other people to move around and attack to make the game fun for everyone, including the sniper. Snipers come across as somewhat selfish and self serving really, they rarely help with any objectives, although there are exceptions. They are usually just there to rack up their own score.

Ok I did my part, I bought No More Heroes, but they were out of Zach and Wiki.

Ok got Zach and Wiki, now if I could just finally finish Twilight Princess so I can play all these Wii games I got waiting. And no I won't buy Okami.

DNF, now there is a game that should have been scrapped completely. Reminds me of a kid whose been in school for 12 years and still doesn't know what he wants to do. At one point you just need to man up and get a job.