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Lulz said:
Panicnausia said:
Lulz said:

Uh.....I just did.....which is why you're now replying to me. You're not very good at this trolling thing. You have to try and make enough sense and seem intelligent enough that people don't actually know you're trolling. Grab a clipboard and go read Rol's posting history. You'll see what I mean.

Saying you called someone out doesn't make it so, how exactly did you prove me wrong or make my post look wrong? I You are trolling me, pot/kettle come to mind.

Now you're just embarrassing yourself. Here's what you posted over in one of the GT6 vs Forza threads. This one to be exact.

Panicnausia said:

Says you, for racing sim fans they are as good as it gets. If your not a racing sim fan why are you talking about racing sims?

Now here's me in that same thread calling you on your hypocrisy.

Lulz said:

Funny you of all people should mention that. You're not an Xbox One fan, but I see you post in tons of Xbox One threads. Nothing ever constructive, but you do manage to post in an awful lot of them.

Just sayin'.

You dodged me there, so I called you on your hypocrisy again in this thread we're in now where you actually went against what you were preaching in the GT vs Forza thread, and posted in a thread about Titanfall, which you clearly don't have any interest in, and no intention of playing.

Panicnausia said:
Many games won a tonne of e3 awards (Hitman, Tomb raider, etcc...) this game is not going to be anything special. No stoyy, no character, no exploration just fragging with mechs. Dull.

Lulz said:

So why do you keep coming into threads about the game and posting? I could have sworn I saw you make a post not more than 2-3 hours ago saying that if you have no interest in a game it doesn't make any sense to post in threads about that game. Or was that only meant for circumstances where it suits your personal agenda?

So again, if you don't think people should go into threads about games they have no interest in, just to derail them, why do you keep poking your head into every Xbox One thread you can find trying to derail it?

Has my calling out of your contradictory posting habits become more clear to you now?

Have a nice night.

This shit was vicious and uncalled for. No mercy shown. None