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Microsoft is trying to copy Nintendo and Sony. And it's more Sony than Nintendo, it's just his wording that makes it sound like he is copying Nintendo. I will say this though it was the success of the Wii that made them want to do this. Think the 360 has been out for a full year before both of them but all of sudden he wants to put in motion controls after the Wii starts catching up to them in sales. Sony did the eyetoy (I don't know if it was a suceess or not) with the PS2, Microsoft is trying to take to ideas from their rivals and copy them. Didn't some folks at MS talk about how dumb the Wiimote was anyway? This is dumb, most MS fans don't like motion controls so why would they adopt that. The main selling game on the Wii is Wii Sports and look how simple it looks, casual gamers aren't going to go for this just to play FPS on the 360. You have a cheaper system with cheaper games and a company that has built their system around this idea. MS should focus on with they do best ONLINE because nobody can touch them when it comes to that. MS is getting scared because I bet they thought the Wii was a fad and would stop selling but in a few months it will be past them. MS is trying to think of a way to make more money and not lose their market share.