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Sniping kind of reminds me of a cheap point and click flash game. You don't move, you just wave your mouse around and click on things. To me it boils down to a sniper only needing to be good with his mouse hand, while your typical fps player needs to be good with both his mouse hand and keyboard hand. Typical fps players also have people in their face firing back, while snipers tend to stay as far away as possible, often times their oponents don't even know where they are. They don't put themselves in any real danger. Takes alot more skill to run and gun. I long for the day developers don't feel obligated to include sniper rifles in their games, but I guess sniping will always appeal to the kiddies.


COD4 pc started out quite good, very few snipers. In January-Feb you started to see the snipers filling the servers though. I thought this was just due to Christmas season, but a few people online who had noticed the same thing told me that was the same time McDonalds hands out it's bonuses. Found that quite funny. Probably not a coincidence.

BTW with the COD 4 pc not having any kind of ranking system it's hard to tell where you stand. I truly believe I'm one of the best COD4 pc players in the world, at the very least top 25. If anyone else feels this way too we should hop on a server sometime, send me some mail.

Ok I did my part, I bought No More Heroes, but they were out of Zach and Wiki.

Ok got Zach and Wiki, now if I could just finally finish Twilight Princess so I can play all these Wii games I got waiting. And no I won't buy Okami.

DNF, now there is a game that should have been scrapped completely. Reminds me of a kid whose been in school for 12 years and still doesn't know what he wants to do. At one point you just need to man up and get a job.