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Runa216 said:

The key difference is that, when it was Xbox 360, Microsoft was the ONLY company regularly charging for online play. Nintendo didn't charge (though their stuff was shit), PSN was free (and compared to Xbox, the only difference was cross game chat and slightly more frequent outages), and Steam was free (and that was infinitely superior.

This gen, now both PSN+ and XBLG are required for online play, but the deals are leagues apart. With PSN, you get super discounts, online storage, deals on THREE consoles (PS3, PS4, and Vita), and it's cheaper. Plus, it feels optional. the only thing you're truly missing out on if you chose not to pay for it is online. Sucks, I don't like it; never will, but I actually plan on buying PSN+ on a yearly basis now, because the deals are so good. Whereas on Xbox, if you chose not to pay for online, your console is just a shittier version of the PS4 (weaker specs, mostly) for a higher cost (500 upfront.)

Even when both consoles are compared at their best, you still get more content for less money on PSN. More games, more movies, more deals, and more options.

So yes, it makes a difference. I do agree that it kind of sucks that you have to pay for PSN+ if you want to game online now, but the deals are so good on PSN+ that, honestly, I was planning on buying it regardless of its need to be activated to play online. IT sucks for people HAVING To buy PSN+ for the first time, but They will find - as many others have - that it is worth it.

That's the difference.


**Edit** - Oh, and Microsoft was the first to do it.  I don;t buy the 'it pays for the online servers' bit, because Steam has managed to keep that shit free; Sony's only doing it because they saw Microsoft do it and make a shit-tonne of money off it.  IT's capitalism, it's kinda greedy, but it was Microsoft who set the precedent for it, and Sony is, as they usualyl are, just following in the footsteps of others, and we all saw it coming half a decade ago. 

Agree with your post Runa but just to be clear...

Steam doesnt offer dedicated servers as far as im aware (might be wrong though). And im pretty sure MS does use the money from Live to cover whatever server costs that have. Doesnt mean they dont profit from it which is kinda the point for them though....

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