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Legend11 said:

So I keep seeing some people rave about how great PS+ is and it has me thinking about how we as console gamers have a very low bar set when it comes to getting value for our money.  It's very obvious to every console gamer that buys new games that we don't get anywhere near the same value for our money that PC gamers do.  So it's surprising that some people don't see the same situation for PS+ since an even bigger gap exist in value when comparing it to other subscription rental services.

To illustrate this point here's a comparison between PS+ and Netflix.

Lets start with the number of titles available, Netflix US has 10186 movies/shows available compared to 20 for PS+.  Imagine what people would say about Netflix if it only offered 20 titles to choose from (or even 200 for that matter).  Yet PS+ gets away with offering just 20 titles and not only that, you need to own all three of their systems to play them all.

Then there's the amount of exclusive content you get with the services.  For Netflix you're looking at new seasons of exclusive TV shows that cost 10-30+ million to make.  For PS+ you're looking at a couple of indie games that might cost a few million to make at best.  In fact PS+ would have to step up its game considerably considering Netflix is investing even more heavily into exclusive content and will have even more new TV series in the future.

I know some people are going to want to compare PS+ to Xbox Live (very poor value) but it doesn't change anything except to show another case where we as console gamers should be demanding far more than what we're getting for out money.

What the cat are you talking about?