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I would complain if they offered me 4 year old average games like a similar service does, but PS+ offers top quality games that are not very old.

Resogun and contrast day 1 for PS4 and drive club for free when it comes out.....thats already your money back, on top of that you will keep getting ps4, ps3 and vita games throughout the year.
Compare that with gears of war from 2006 for 360 in games with gold....and no xbox one games planned yet.

I was opposed to compulsory subscription, but if PS+ can keep going like this, I wouldnt mind if it was forced on people who dont even have a ps4! The more people that have it, the better its going to get.

Just to rub it in, you can use cross game chat on the PS4 without having PS+.

Its even better value than £40 of games you could get from the humble bundles. You can get more on humble bundle but the quality wont always be there and the best games offered in the humble bundles like farcry 3 and BF3 have also been on PS+.