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well it seems like for most sony fans on this site, they fell into 3 categories.

1) the largest group were already PS+ subscribers, due to all the free and discounted stuff it gives you, including, auto-updates, downloads, cloud storage, etc. So when Sony made online for PS4 require PS+, it did not affect them, as they were already subscribers for other reasons. Most of these people, myself included were disappointed with multiplayer being behind a paywall, but were nonetheless unaffected, so we didnt put up much of a fuss.

2) the second group, and probably the smallest. Complained a lot, and were outraged, and either wont buy the system or just wont play online ever.

3) the middle group, were people who did in fact complain, but sucked it up and accepted the paywall.


for me i fall into the first group. I was already a PS+ subscriber, so i was unaffected. I was still disapointed at the policy, but it didnt matter much to me, as i get free or discounted games on PS3, PSV, and PS4 (and even PSP i think, but i havent played that in a while).