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Wright said:
lilwingman said:
Most of the people complaining about the cost of PSN/+ are not PS gamers...

I guess that most of the people complaining about paying for Xbox Live Gold weren't Xbox gamers either xD

Valid point. I said I wouldn't get Xbox live and I was not a customer. I would add that Sony gave me an option to play online for free or upgrade to their rental service later, while Microsoft wanted to charge me for the online experience first and see if I saw value in it later. Not something I was willing to do at the time. I still don't understand why internet applications are behind a paywall.

I also mention shooters because that's the impression that I got from it. It may be wrong, but its JRPG collection was lacking compared to the competition. so I chose Sony, though I could have gone Wii, but SDTV made me rethink it because I game on my computer monitor.

I don't consider myself a Sony Fanboy, and truely wish success for the WIIU & the Xbox One because competition really benefits the consumer. If Sony can no longer provide what I'm looking for, I would like to think I move to a competitor that does.