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I think camping is so overused in games. Heck, you could take a second to reload and you'll be banished to hell because you've just camped *gasp*.

I think it's annoying when I get nailed by a guy who's hunkered down, but it's part of the game. The big issue I have a problem with is when you have somebody spawn camping or something like that.

Camper and Noob are two terms I think are way out of control for their context. You kill me, I'm a noob. I kill you, I'm a noob. I damage you, I'm a noob. You damage me, I'm a noob. You or I complete the objective, I'm a noob. lol, it never ends. Score one for the multiplayer ego! 


lol, I just had a memory of how crazy people get just because they died and have to wait for the next round in Counter-Strike. It was me vs like 5 enemies and I was carefully moving around and taking them out, yet I get punished by an admin because I was 'camping'.... It's crap because I wasn't even standing still and despite being outnumbered and trying to plan my attack (and taking out a couple of these guys), I was apparently a camping bastard.