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curl-6 said:

Recently, when proclaiming my love for Super Mario 3D World, I was informed that I was "fanboying" too hard. This and a number of other comments made to me recently have led me to the conclusion that many here see me as a Nintendo fanboy.

Now, it's true I see Nintendo as the single best game developer in the industry. But this specific term, "fanboy" carries with it stronger connotations than that; a blind love for the company no matter what, seeing all they make as automatically golden, and a view of their competitor's products as inherently bad and inferior.

Why I don't fit this definition:

- Throughout this year, I've criticized Nintendo more than most of the people labelled "haters".

- Some of my favourite games of the 7th gen weren't even on Nintendo consoles; Bioshock, Bayonetta, Bioshock Infinite, Dead Space, Uncharted 2.

- I own a 360, a PS2, a PS1, an original Xbox, and a Sega Megadrive. I am open to getting a PS4 or an Xbox One.

- I hate, hate, HATE Smash Bros. All of them.

- I dislike plenty of other beloved Nintendo games, including Wind Waker, Majora's Mask, Mario Kart 64.

- Don't even get me started on Metroid Other M.

That´s ok, pal. Nice to see you appreciate videogaming in general, no matter the brands or the devices

I just think that this was unecessary. You know, fanboys will jump on every kind of sick conclusions if we simply write "Mario 3d World is great". Booooom... bombs come from everywhere just because you´re saying that a game not produced by their favorite brand is great.

If people start to take conclusions about your preferences, forget them. They´re the ones who have trouble with fanboyism, not you.