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By years end I bet the PSV will have passed the 7 million mark and the WiiU will have passed the 5 million mark.
Both can received a big sale boost after the holiday season if Sony or Nintendo drop the price.

2014 could easily be the year of the WiiU, if Nintendo drop the price to $250 and there no major delays to the big release. The WiiU line up and potential price cut should make 2014 a much better year then 2013. By the end of Summer Nintendo could potentially be around the 10 million mark.

Feb and March seem to be good month for PSV and the release of a new edition of PSV tv ..... could be the boosted needed. Since i'm assuming that PSV will have sold 7 to 7.5 million consoles by year end. They only need to sell less then 3 million to reach 10 million ... I presume that the sales will be better then last year, PSV could easily sell 2 million between January and March 2014. There for by mid-summer they would reach 10 million.

My bet is that Play Station Vita will reach 10 million first by a few months.