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Xbox Live- when i had my 360 i really used to get pissed when that message showed up on gears of war saying that there was a connection issue. halo  i saw teh occasional lag, but in call of duty it was a different story. i used to get signed out every single time i logged in and i never used to be bale to join partys.  I think tehy fixed this now but it was getting a little bit ridiculous. When i used to play fifa 08 online, it used to lag like hell at times. maybe cause im facing peopel from france england or w/e

PSN: So far PSN hasnt lagged as much as live. Call of Duty if ok, but that little gay message saying connection interupted pops up sometimes.Motorstorm online doesnt lag and resistance doesnt lag either.

 from my expiriences on both xbox live and psn, i say i have a better expirience on psn performance wise. people, specially xbox 360 owners say psn lags a damn lot because its free. ps3 uses dedicated servers doesnt it?

 some adive. dont go on youtube or msn when your playing online. lags it up like hell.

which one lags more, or is there even a difference? tell me from your past expiriences.