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ListerOfSmeg said:
Attoyou said:
Oh well. Multiplat ps4-pc players will still end up with the better looking/running copy 90% of the time. Exclusives are where it matters.

PC gamers will. You know what 2nd and 3rd have in common? They are not the best. Lets not act like the PS4 version is on par with PC, at most the difference is closer to the difference between X1 and PS4. Now if X1 isnt good enough, then certainly PS4 cannot be either, at least not to be considered the best.

Of course not, and I'm glad to be a pc gamer nor do I expect massive differnece in multiplats for One and ps4, but there will be differences, 720p-1080p, 30fps-60fps sometimes or just flat out better textures and AA. Lets not act like it won't matter to lots of people, especially on a sites like this where comparing the systems is the only thing that matters. 

There will be differences, bigger than the ps3-360 at the least. If you're console only gamer and you want the faster system with better graphics its going to be the ps4. 

Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords