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Nico - This is a game like no other. The story is the single greatest one I’ve ever come across in a game and the characters are built up in such a perfect way. It might sound strange, but The Last of Us also brought back fear that I hadn’t experienced from a game since the Resident Evil on the original PlayStation. The Last of Us is the best game to come out in 2013, and also quite possibly one of the best of the generation.

Gari - Naughty Dog does it again with what can only be described as a masterpiece in story-telling and character development. The Last of Us was one of the last AAA titles to appear on the PS3, and what a way to bow out of this generation. Stunning.

Aryel - Naughty Dog, that is all.

Adam - Another title from the last lap of current-gen, but quite possibly the best. Naughty Dog have a real talent in getting the best out of the hardware they work with. Where can they go on the PS4? Now that’s a question we all want to know the answer to!

Ben - It had to be really. One of the most incredible experiences I’ve had in any entertainment medium, and a technical miracle running on eight year old hardware! Amazing.

Asim – Just the opening of this masterpiece alone makes it my game of the generation. Not even I, one of the biggest supporters of our beloved medium thought a game could make me cry, but it damn well did. From that point on it just got better and better. The visuals, gameplay and story, everything just came together to a stunning conclusion. The Last of Us single-handedly shows everyone the power of games, and that they’re not just about shooting aliens in space or gangsters on a street. Not just the game of this past generation, one of the best games I have ever had the privilege of playing. Thanks, Naughty Dog.


Uncharted 2 came #5
Call of Duty 4 and Arkham City shared #4
GTAV got #3
Mass Effect series #2

And TLOU at #1