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Well there are a few holes in your version of logic, first storage has no benefits (or the benefits are negligible...)

 - A lot of games would still fit on CD size media, otherwise, we could always swap when we reach a certain area, does that mean that DVDs are useless too?

Also, there were a lot of other factors that drove up the price of the PS3 at launch, compared to the xbox 1

 - The sd card slots (nothing of the king on the 360)

- Built-in Wi-fi (that was an add-on on the 360)

 - The cell processor was pretty big and difficult to manufacture (it had other issues too, but that one drove up the price of the console)

 - 4 USB ports


However the kinect on xb1 not only does not provide benefots to most people, it alienate a lot of potential clients (not only that, but the performance delta between the 360 and ps3 was negligible compared to the difference between the ps4 and xb1).targeting webkit browsers