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It's the same in that there will be consumers who don't want a console camera as there were consumers who had no interest in Blu Ray movies, but considering that PS3 games were distributed on BD, it's not the same.

I don't see anyone complaining about XB1 or Wii U games being distributed on BD format (Wii U is a Panasonic developed proprietary format based off BD technology) on a single disc for games with data over DVD capacities. The only complaint for the BD drive in the PS3 is that it was utilized early which meant more expensive.

I speak only for myself, but I bought a PS3 and a 1080p HDTV in 2007 to watch HD movies. Yes, I bought it for the games as well, but the PS3s have been the only BD players I've bought since the format was introduced.

And it's partially because Sony stood behind their format by putting it in the PS3 that we don't have to buy movies on HD-DVD and BD with certain studios split between the two formats. That's something I had to do when both formats existed. I was simultaneously annoyed and relieved when HD-DVD was kicked in the head.