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Figgycal said:

One difference I see is that the Xbox One doesn't need the Kinect. About Blu-ray, though it was, like I said the logical upgrade to DVD. You can say that the PS3 didn't need it, but clearly we've moved on to a point where both consoles now use it and it's the leading physical format. Even Nintendo, who created the motion control movement, abondoned the idea of motion gaming. We haven't moved on to the point where people prefer using motions over using the controller (and we never will)- until then, it's not the same situation.

There really isn't a reason why Kinect should be forced on us other than the fact that Microsoft wanted to appeal to a casual audience. It's not part of the console, it's a peripheral that is bundled in. The Xbox One already comes with a controller in the box - paying an extra 100 dollars for an unnecessary motion controller when it isn't an integral part of the system is not cool.

The miscontrued idea of Kinect is that is to replace conventional controls. That is "negative" and MS mentions that (Phil Spencer).

Some tasks on X1 perform way faster on X1 with Kinect than with a controller, for example internet search and switching games, user profile change on the fly etc...

I'm an owner of X1 and now I can't see my X1 without Kinect. It performs fast, accurately and it is CONVINIENT.