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That's one of 3 possible epic mistakes.

Nintendo made them all:

1)When people want to buy a new console,they want to buy something that looks new in their shelve/tv rack and not something that looks like the forth 360 and second ps4.

2)Most nintendo gamers are casual gamers,they still don't know the difference between a Wii and a Wii U and if the new system looks so similar to the old one that even core gamers fail to tell the difference on first,second and third sight in a quiet small room how the hell should casual-mom in a huge mall with 1000 technical devices,noisy music and lots of people tell the difference???

3)The Name:
Similar look,similar name.
If you sell two different syestems that almost look the same people will always buy the one that is 150 dollar cheaper.
The Name Wii U was a terrible decision as there is Wii mii,Wii Fit,Wii Sports-it just sound like an add on.
they should have called it Wii 2.