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Adinnieken said:
Neither console sold out.

What we don't know is how many units were available on launch day for each console at each retailer. Sony sold nearly 1M units on the PS4s launch day. Microsoft sold 1.2M units on launch day.

If you want to make the argument that Microsoft had consoles left, fine. Microsoft also shipped more units total and they also sold more units on launch day. There's no way Microsoft could have sold 1.2M units without also have shipped more units.

So if Microsoft had more units in the field, than they'd have more units to sell. Whether they sold them on launch day or Black Friday.

That is demonstrably and patently false. You will see, once the weekly figures for BF week have been posted here that PS4 has massively outsold and outshipped Xb one. You are quoting 1.2M for Xb one launch day therefore you are referencing global sales / shipments (or at least sales / shipments to all markets in which the respective consoles are selling). So I too am talking global shipments

We already know PS4 outsold Xb one on their respective launch weekends in the UK by as much as 100K units. Adding the first full week of Xb one sales will probably not = PS4's first 48 hours there. It's undeniable that Sony has shipped more PS4's total than MS has shipped Xb ones.

Now if you want to restrict the discussion to North America, or even more specifically USA, we already know that leading in to BF week PS4 had a 300K lead in sold consoles, and there were clearly more shipped consoles than sold because Sony has sold >0 PS4s on BF week. So it's likely that PS4 had a shipped lead going in to BF week. And if Xb one sold 600K on BF (which I think is realistic, possibly a bit high, because that would mean Xb one + 360 = 1.2M which seems a bit much) that means, according to infoscout %, PS4 sold 300K. So factoring in the lead PS4 had going in it means after BF week PS4 and Xb one will have roughly even sales. And if Xb one has outshipped PS4 in the USA to date then it's probably not by a whole lot, because if PS4 can still sell 300K on BF week at the same time as launching globally it means they are still shipping decent amounts into the USA. So I'm guessing PS4 shipments into USA are comparable, to Xb one's. After all Sony doesn't want to be caught with its pants down in the most important Christmas market of them all.

Instead Sony are leaving markets like mine high and dry with ABSOLUTELY no more stock available anywhere until at least January.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

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Jimi Hendrix