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Metallicube said:

Still too early to proclaim Wii U doom, anyone jumping the gun on this, I can only conclude WISHES the Wii U to fail, because it is simply too early and we just do not have enough data yet..

Yes, Wii U won't go anywhere near Wii sales, but I firmly believe they can still achieve SNES level of sales/success, depending on whether or not Nintendo decides to lean more in the direction of releasing more Wii-type titles, rather than Gamecube-types, which they seem to be trending towards lately. We also have yet to see Wii U on the market during a christmas in which they actually have a somewhat viable library..

So we have to see how these Wii titles will pick up sales. If they don't (talking of games like Wii Fit U, Wii Party U, Wii Sports Club, Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, DKC, etc) THEN I'll be ready to doom the Wii U to N64/Gamecube/Dreamcast status. But we're not there yet.. But keep on hopin, haters! ;)

Yeah, not too much, until you factor in tax, at least one $60 game, $50 extra controllers, and the yearly fee for online services.. Yeah you're right, it totally makes sense to spend upwards of $600 - $700 on a console that currently has one halfway decent platformer, a generic exclusive shooter, and a pretty solid FPS but can be found on virtually every other platform.

It's not so sinister as people wishing the Wii U to fail (though i don't doubt that that is true in many cases). The core point is that people follow the horse race. The media loves a sob story. It's the same thing as the people who were saying "Obamacare is doomed" during the height of the website chaos or (to be fair) the people who were saying the GOP is on the brink of irrelevance during the shutdown (or, going back a bit further, how people were talking about a "permanent GOP majority" after Bush won his second term. Think about how long that one lasted).

Nobody really wants to take the time to talk about the big picture. The circumstances of the moment dictate the future in the public imagination.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.