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DragonLord said:
I'm playing Lost Odyssey right now and it's GREAT! My favorite "next gen" RPG so far by far! I love it. 9/10

I absolutely hated Blue Dragon though. Way too childish--everything about it from characters, story, to difficulty (yes, I realize you can download a higher difficulty) Just not my type of game so if you disagree--good for you, don't bother flaming because I don't care. 5/10

Haven't played Eternal Sonata. I was just getting ready to buy it, but heard that there were going to be 2 more playable characters on the ps3 version so decided I'd just wait and buy it for my ps3.

Don't forget Fable II, Tales of Vesperia, & Infinite Undiscovery--many other promising RPG's coming out in the future.

I wouldn't flame you for you opinion of Blue Dragon when i asked you for your opinion of Blue Dragon. Thats another person talking up Lost Odyssey though. I guess thats the one to get in most peoples eyes it seems.