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scat398 said:
Aura7541 said:
scat398 said:

sure you do. 

oh and if we are going by the "sold out" logic anyone can drop 800 for PS4 bundle right now at gamestop and get it, same with the Xbone.

Sold out of actual non-bundled box units is what we are talking about, and yes Xbone sold out of those day one just like PS4, but can you do haters gonna hate right?

Okay.... I still don't see how that refutes the fact that the XBO did not sell all of its initial stock prior to Black Friday. As Jeremy Conrad said on Twitter, there were still a bunch of unsold "Day One" XBO's where in contrast, all of the "Day One" PS4's were sold out. I'm just saying things the way they are, but coming from your reaction, you appear to be quite displeased with the results. Haters gonna hate right?

Well when the numbers come out we will know for sure, but NPD will give us the hate from me I'm glad both consoles have done well not sure why sony fans are so upset by the success of microsoft though.

It's already a given that the PS4 is outselling the XBO in the US. Now, it's more of a question of how many more units the PS4 has sold.