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Zero999 said:
Scisca said:
Zero999 said:

the wii u isn't expensive for it's specs and the gamepad is confortable = if someone doesn't want a wii u, it's not because of fake reasons. got it memorized?

did UK became the center of the Universe?

You are right. The Wii U is insanely expensive for its specs! I can get a brand new PS3 for 130 and it's only a tad less powerfull. Got it memorized?



To tell the truth, if Nintendo continues releasing kiddy, cartoony games, they may just as well pack their bags and leave the business while they still have money. When I look at the Wii U lineup, what do I see? What does the exclusive's lineup look like?

2D Mario, 2D Luigi, 3D Mario, Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD, LEGO City Undercover, Wonderful 101, Sonic Kart Racing game, Sonic 3D, Just Dance, Wii Party U, Scribblenaughts, Rayman, Game & Wario. What's coming? Oh, right! Yarn Yoshi, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong, SSB... We just miss Kirby.

So... Yeah. Every single game is kiddy, childish and cartoony. All set in one tone, targeted at the same customer, who is clearly gone. I know these are good games, but there is just no variety! I can't find a single game that is targeted at me! Not a single real reason to get this console! And I've bought Wii as my first console this past gen! But I didn't buy it for the childish games (even though I've bought and enjoyed many of them). I've bought my Wii for Zelda: TP, Metroid Prime 3, CoD 3 (yeah, I prefer pointer controls in FPS over better graphics!), Red Steel 2, The Conduit, No More Heroes, Xenoblade, The Last Story, etc., also many GCN ports that I've missed, like REmake, RE 0, Rogue Squadron 2 and 3, Eternal Darkness, MGS: Twin Snakes, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, etc. THAT is why I bought a Wii. These games are totally absent from Wii U. There is nothing on Wii U to attract the type of gamer that I am.

The only exception is Zombi U, which even though is just a mediocre game, still happens to be the 3rd best selling game on the platform! That should be a bloody signal for Nintendo, shouldn't it? It's the first game I'd buy if I had a Wii U right now.

If Nintendo dreams of Wii U ever starting to sell, they need to make many, many games targeted at the core gamer, like X, Bayo 2 (about which I don't care at all, but I guess there are people who like such games), SMTxFire Emblem. This is the thing though. I have just Zombi U right now, and so far the only other games anounced that I'd like to play are X and SMTxFE (nobody knows when they'll come out, maybe not even in 2014!) and probably Mario Kart (depending if I move and no longer have people to couchplay). These are the only games that excite me.

 And before anyone mentions it, I (and 99% of gamers) couldn't care less about ports on Wii U. They can't hold a candle to the PS4/XO versions, are on par with PS360 versions, sometimes are even worse, and even in the rare cases when they are better, they don't justify the purchase of a $300 console, when you can play a much, much better version on a $400 console or stick to the console you already own.

bolded: big fat lie. the rest of the post is too surreal for me to care.

The bolded is the truth, sadly.

@the rest being surreal - that would actually fit. We already know that reality is surreal for you. Thanks for confirming my claim!

Wii U is a GCN 2 - I called it months before the release!

My Vita to-buy list: The Walking Dead, Persona 4 Golden, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, TearAway, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, History: Legends of War, FIFA 13, Final Fantasy HD X, X-2, Worms Revolution Extreme, The Amazing Spiderman, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - too many no-gaemz :/

My consoles: PS2 Slim, PS3 Slim 320 GB, PSV 32 GB, Wii, DSi.