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EdHieron said:

There are signs that America is headed towards another similar time.  The popularity of Occupy Wallstreet for one and more recently the growth in popularity of campaigns like the Wal~Mart 1% and the fast food restaurant workers strikes are indications of that and I'm pretty sure the fervor will continue to grow over the next few years until something does come out of it like it did during the Coal Mine Wars or the 1930s and it's not going to be the poor workers that lose because as history shows, they always win those struggles.

That's more an effect of poor economic times than any political change. Whenever times are bad the blame goes all around. There truly existed poor people in the `1930's, today there's just an underclass (supported by benefits) and a working-class (that gets by better than other working classes), both of which have a multitude of luxuries which keep them content. There have been predictions of a socialist revolution in the U.S since Marx (who said the U.S would be the first socialist country.) He said this because he observed the strong labor movements in the U.S (which didn't exist in other countries because they hadn't industrialized enough.) That was one hundred and fifty years ago. The only difference is that instead of a moderately capitalist society the U.S is now a corporatist one, where government helps corporations and corporations help government, all at the expense of the free market and real capitalism.