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Soleron said:
EdHieron said:


Who has determined that the higher-ups in the company should be paid what they're worth?  Whose determined that the Walton kids deserve billions for doing nothing?

The market for CEOs is a free market. Thus it will find the optimal price between supply and demand for CEOs. What part do you disagree with?

The Walton kids were given the money by the person who earned it. Do you not think people should be able to spend their money how they want?

The truth of the matter is that during the Obama years the Wealthy White Capitalists have done a good job of shifting the animosity and disaffection of the poor white working class onto the black President.  However, there have been times in American History when the poor workers haven't been content to just be passive sheep accepting whatever scraps the wealthy elite have pushed their way ie. during the Union Member / Coal Mine Owners Wars or in the 1930s when people like Bonnie and Clyde, Pretty Boy Floyd, and John Dillenger became folk heroes to many poor and disaffected people and FDR had to be elected and pass the New Deal Social Measures to pacify many people.

There are signs that America is headed towards another similar time.  The popularity of Occupy Wallstreet for one and more recently the growth in popularity of campaigns like the Wal~Mart 1% and the fast food restaurant workers strikes are indications of that and I'm pretty sure the fervor will continue to grow over the next few years until something does come out of it like it did during the Coal Mine Wars or the 1930s and it's not going to be the poor workers that lose because as history shows, they always win those struggles.