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deskpro2k3 said:
Pemalite said:
deskpro2k3 said:

Some PC only gamers think they're a master race.

They seem insecure. I've seen these comments on youtube, and on gaming websites. They post "PC master race" on articles about consoles.


Its consoles what brought gaming into the mainstream.


So it's the consoles fault they're full of quick-time events and "Press A to win" and dumbed down gameplay to appease for the lowest common denominator? :P

This speaks for itself.


I'm part of the PC gaming master race for one simple reason. - I don't like compromises in image quality or gameplay.

Assuming you never played a high profile console game before. Not all have QTEs, just like not all PC games is only point and clicking.

Using your analogy with cars, I'll show you where its flaws are. Anyone can go out and buy a powerful gaming computer, or a 350 horse power luxury sports car if they save up for it. The fact of the matter is roads have speed limits so you may never fully utize that 350 horse power engine, and game developers will not fully utilize the power of a PC because not everyone can afford one.

As a matter of fact, PC is trying to appeal to the console gamers. SteamBox AKA Sbox.

You say you don't like compromises, thats fine. Blame game developers.

Well, how about this? My luxury car is hell of a lot more comfortable and accelerates faster than a Toyota and a lot less bumpy due to much better suspension. SteamBox will prolly have configs much stronger than consoles, not that it should be a surprise.