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I waited a lot of days to read this thread because I guessed the subject was not good enough to entertain me... I was wrong because it was really funny to read.

Some good laughs...

1) Somebody complain about External HDD support but he forgot Xbone didn't have it too... just some day in 2014.

2) Somebody complain about the lack of DLNA and MP3 support but forget Xbone didn't support MP3 too... ok I will give the a point because the PS4 lacks today DLNA.

3) Somebody says future updates to support DLNA/MP3 on PS4 is not valid but it counts the External HDD support on Xbone like something already implemented.

4) Somebody says Ryse is the best graphics of the two console without never played Killzone... Ryse is bealtiful but it in behind Killzone in grpahics terms.

5) Somebody says Crytek choose 900p over 1080p to have better lighthing but the only think that made Crytek choose 900p was the lack of power in the hardware... if the hardware can hangle the same Ryse on Xbone in 1080p they will choose 1080p instead 900p.

The defense mode here is really strong.