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deskpro2k3 said:

Some PC only gamers think they're a master race.

They seem insecure. I've seen these comments on youtube, and on gaming websites. They post "PC master race" on articles about consoles.


Its consoles what brought gaming into the mainstream.


So it's the consoles fault they're full of quick-time events and "Press A to win" and dumbed down gameplay to appease for the lowest common denominator? :P

This speaks for itself.

I won't argue that consoles assisted in making gaming more mainstream and helped with targeting games more towards casuals, but that's not always a good thing either, not to mention Steam didn't exactly take a backseat with that revolution either.

I remember the days where you needed a phone-book sized game manual just to fly a plane in a game or a spaceship, the complexity was astounding back then and when you mastered it you felt like a million bucks.
Not to mention that developers used to be more bold and would even create new genre's, when was the last time you played/saw a game like Battlezone 2 or Sacrifice that blended Real-Time Strategy and First/3rd person action? It's been a long time. - The closest I have seen anyone get was with Sanctum that blended Tower Defense and First Person Shooting, but even that's a far-cry to the games of old.

The sad reality is, people complain when a campaign is too long or the game is too hard these days, so that's brought us the horrible and short and simple campaigns in games like Call of Duty and Battlefield where it's flashy explosions over actuall gameplay substance.
I personally think it will get even worse with this new generation as developers figure out ways to take even more control away from players so all they end up doing is pointing and pressing a button or two and not actually interacting with the world.

That from my perspective is what consoles have done to gaming due to pushing for more mainstream acceptance.

Thankfully the PC has tons of exclusives with actuall depth and replayability, granted such games aren't for everyone that all comes down to personal tastes and opinions as everyone is different.

I'm part of the PC gaming master race for one simple reason. - I don't like compromises in image quality or gameplay.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--