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Dr.Grass said:
Kasz216 said:
PC gaming isn't better because of the better graphics. (Though you can have that if you want.)

It's better because it gives greater fidelity of choice and options.

Unless they bungle a port, any game on both console and PC is going to be better on PC due to the mod community.

PC's being the easiest to program for, are always going to be home to the most and best indie games.

And entire genres of games exist on PC. Not to mention the huge backwords capability advantage.

What the steam survey shows is just another superiority of PC gaming. You can spend as much as you want. It doesn't' matter.

Consoles really only have one advantage. Convenience.

Outside that... there really isn't much. Consoles each have their own exclusive games... but PCs end up having their own exclusive genres.

This is just about the best comment I've read in recent memory.


Adding a specific example to what you're saying:

No controller has ever come remotely close to the mouse.  Not even close. I guarantee you that you can take the best 6 FPS console players in the world and put them against my friend (all at once) in Quake 3 and he'd rip them apart without a hitch. Once you've seen a proper FPS player in action with a mouse there's nowhere to hide from the truth.

I also really liked this line:

"Consoles really only have one advantage. Convenience."

Convenience is a big advantage though. I play on both but mainly stick to consoles out of convenience. It just works, no setup required, no game breaking frame rate dips (or at least very rarely) and no keyboard balancing on the couch. The other factor is: PC is for work, it never feels as relaxing as playing on a console does. There are too many distractions on pc.
Actually convenience is such a big factor I had Bioshock 2 sitting on my PC for almost a year from a Steam sale and didn't play it for more then an hour until it appeared on ps+. Then played the 'inferior' version from start to finish on there.

Not that those factors are too big of a hurdle, especially with the sales it would be stupid not to take advantage of PC gaming. Plus the mouse is essential for any sort of building / economic sim game. I've gotten used to playing fps with dual analog, yet switching back to PC still feels liberating. (Behind a monitor at least, mouse on the couch sucks)

The biggest factor is: just play the games you like where you enjoy them most. For me it's Euro truck simulator 2 with the pc hooked up to the projector, Cities in motion 2 / Tropico 3 behind the desk or on the laptop, multiplatform games on PC if < $10 on sale, otherwise physical (tradeable) copy on console.