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How about the VGChartzers on here use their brains and think about personal bias... We've all seen, experienced and perhaps been on the wrong end of prejudice towards other systems due to owning a competing system or whatever the case may be. Now just consider that the vast, vast majority of users here use consoles primarily.

No chance in hell this thread will elicit any type of healthy or worthwhile response is there?

I game on everything, and most of the time a PC smokes consoles in every conceivable manner if you have the luxury of high cost bits and pieces and gadgets.

You'll all see how you freak out about how cool VR is when Sony makes their headset. But guess what; Dr.Grass already played Portal with Occulus Rift in mid 2013.

Everyone's biased, console gamers (most certainly) included. High-End PC gaming is like driving a Ferrari. Sure, maintenance is a bitch and there's only a select few that can afford such a beast of a car, but for those few the thought of driving a Volvo (or even a nice BMW or w/e) just doesn't cut it most of the time. And of course they're going to go and laugh at people with their bog-standard consoles because they paid (way) more just for the GFX card in their PC than the other person's whole system.