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Hey, new user, first post...

Seriously, what's with people bitching about Edge's scoring system? Irrespective of the scores other magazines decide to award, Edge's system is entirely fair. A game rated five-out-of-ten has scored in the middle of the ratings system, thus can be construed as AVERAGE. A 6 is better than average, a 7 is quite impressive, an 8 even better, a 9 utterly outstanding and a 10 revolutionary in that a 10 implies near perfection.

Is Brawl nearly perfect? No, of course it isn't - its online feature set is significantly gimped for a start. Nonetheless, it's an incredibly good game, hence a 9.

A Phoenix Games title (*shudder*), comparatively, would be worthy of a 1 because it is atrocious. Between those two extremes we have 5s and 6s - mediocrity. "Not bad" titles.

I really don't see what the fuss is here. It's American publications overly gushing with praise that bastardise the scoring system. You bitch about an average game receiving a 5 or a 6? "Whah, whah! Why didn't it get at least a seven?" Jesus...