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Don't skip Blue Dragon! It's a very good RPG.

A quick rundown of the 4 major JRPGs currently on the X360:

Enchanted Arms:
First JRPG on the X360. Although the graphics are somewhat next-gen, the gameplay is definately a throwback to PS2-type games. The battles take place on a 5x4 grid system. Each attack from your characters can effect a certain number, or style of grids...So it's somewhat tactical, but rather easy.

You get not only human characters, but Golems that are non-human, upgradable characters for battle. Some of them are very good.

Story is pretty weak, and very bad (IMO) voice acting.

My rating: 7.25/10

Blue Dragon:
Sakaguchi's first RPG on X360. Features very strong 'kiddie' tones, like Dragon Quest 8, but underneath the childish exterior is a very hardcore JRPG. It's very similar to the old 16-bit JRPGs like Final Fantasy 5, Chrono Trigger, and others.

Combat is your typical turn-based combat, but involves a very good, well-balanced skill system for 6-8 different classes of characters. You get to upgrade your job level ups, unlocking new skills, and combining ability sets for the ultimate characters.

Story is pretty good. Music is top notch. The only drawback is the voice acting for some characters is crap, and the dialogue is OK.

Overall rating: 8.75. Must have if you like the old school SNES RPGs.

Eternal Sonata
Combat is the most varied of any JRPG in current rotation. Uses a hybrid real-time and turn based system. Each character fights via Kingdom Hearts/Tales Of style, using attacks and specials to kill the enemys, all in turn. Also features active blocking and counterattacking later on. Harmony Chains spice it up near the end, but with the slew of enemies you fight in areas, can get very repetitive, very quick.

Visuals are absolutely stunning. No cell-shaded game has looked this good in HD yet. Dungeon design and fixed camera angles really take back from parts of the game.

Music is also (like BD and LO) top notch. Voice acting is better than Blue Dragon, but not perfect. Story is a pile of crap though.

Overall Score:

Can't say anything about Lost Odyssey yet, since I do not own it. But it does seem to be the best of the bunch.

Also, a semi-JRPG game: Culdcept Saga. It's $40 new. Buy it if you like Japanese-styled trading card games. Very addictive, and fun. Poor story and such, but it's a phenominal board game/TCG hybrid that works very, very well.

Upcoming JRPGs you want:

Tales of Vespria (like Eternal Sonata, but entirely real time, and looks to be awesome)

Infinite Undiscovery (real-time battle system ala FFXII, looks great)

Cry-On (Sakaguchi's first Action RPG on the 360. Any Sak. effort is a must-have, and his take on the ARPG genre should be phenominal)

Last Remnant (Square's first true X360 RPG. Might even be timed exclusive. Uses UE3)

And there are many more, but those are the big 08 releases that you want to look into.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.