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Zappykins said:
thismeintiel said:

LMAO!  And I suppose you are just going to ignore the fact that A LOT of One games are having framerate issues, even Ryse, which is supposed to show off what the console can do.  Also, if you actually read DF analysis of PS4 games, you'd see where they clearly state that games are juttering, not dropping framerates, because it is rendering above what a lot TVs can handle, 60hz.  That's actually a plus to the PS4's HW, in the end, and current games will probably be fixed with patches.

I'm not even going to get into multifunctionality, as that's not what sells a games console, and enven though you would never admit it, the PS4 pretty much matches it point-for-point where it matters.  I also wouldn't be boasting about sales, cause you're just going to be disapointed when the PS4's WW numbers come in.

Oh, the 'probably fixed with patches' dream. That's nice. I hope it works well for you. And just because the PS3 failed as an 'everything box' doesn't mean the Xbox One will not succeed. Did you see the update where Xbox One outsold the PS4 at Target?

You completely ignored why it would need those patches, since that took away your framerate drop argument.  And I hope that secret sauce works out for you, as well. 

Anyway, there's no point to take this thread off course any longer.  Good day.