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It means nothing to you because your not a DMC fan, your a DMC4 fan. Explain to me why I should believe you over Hideki Kamiya, creator of the DMC series?

You don't have to believe me. You can believe Capcom, the actual determiner of series canon, who has written DMC4 into canon in their character encyclopedia.

He's not exactly the same in terms of cosmetic design and character growth. Yet at his core he does feel like Dante from the previous games, except DMC4. This has already been confirmed by Hideaki Itusno and Ninja Theory. Explain to me why should I believe you over Hideaki Itsuno.

So you're admitting that they're not the same character? Well, that's a step in the right direction, at least.

He "feels" like Dante? Wow, there's a contender for objective argument of the year.

NT's repeatedly bashed the older Dante, referencing how he would get "laughed out of a bar," in one instance. They didn't want their Dante to have anything to do with the older one. 

You've contradicted yourself. If your decisons about cannon are insignificant; why is it you decides who Dante is. When Capcom have already confirmed DmC Dante is Dante in a different iteration of the series. Like how they confirmed DMC4 Dante was a different character, who was never intended to be the same as the original character?

I haven't done anything of the sort. Capcom has never confirmed Dante as a different character, so now you're just lying through your teeth.

Lol. HAHAHA. Then you admit DMC4's clunky lock-on was automatic!

No, because that's not an automatic lock on system.

What part of "switching through targets to select an enemy" is automatic?


No, wrong again DMC4 fan. DmC's lock on targets an enemy regardless of distance. It dosen't matter how far an enemy is, Dante will target any enemy you want regardless of how close another enemy is to him.

Now I know you don't have a clue what your talking about. I doubt you've played DMC before DMC4, or even DmC for that matter:

 Unfortunately, it is you who are wrong. I had combos interrupted on multiple ocassions where Dante attacked one enemy, and got interrupted by another enemy moving in and taking his attention away.

You've confused yourself again. Explain 'relative to the enemy'! Actually play DmC and you'll see how Dante targets any enemy regardless of distance.

Do I really need to define the term "relative" for you?

Very well. Explaining half the words in the English language is a bit annoying, but it won't do to have only one of us know what we're talking about. I'm assuming you're aware of what "relative" means. If not, let me know, and I'll explain that too.

Take a look at the beginning of this video. Notice how Dante moves when he's locked on to an enemy, and how he moves when he's not locked on to an enemy. Then skip to the part with Bayonetta. Notice how she moves when locked on to the enemy.

Their movement becomes "relative" to the enemy; i.e the commands you input become relative to the position of the enemy. The side movements by Dante and Bayonetta are examples of this. If you press side while locking on to an enemy, you will begin to circle around the enemy. The circle you move around is dependant on the position of the enemy. If you press side while not locking on to an enemy, you'll simply move to the side as opposed to moving around the enemy. 

Now watch the MGR part, which implements the same sort of soft lock on system as DmC does. Notice how Raiden's movements are never dependent on the enemy. Holding left or right will move you in the exact same way you would move if there was no enemy there at all. The only semblance of lock on that exists is the camera focusing on the enemy (in this video, Mongoose). This is a soft, or automatic, lock on system, and is not relative to the movements of the enemy.

Lol. Fail again DMC4 fan. I have no played, nor have I any intention of playing Metroid Prime. The fact you need to keep evading the question to defend your garbage DMC4 proves you know your lying at this point.

Shame. Broadening your horizons might not be a bad thing.

My point isn't to suggest that you should play Metroid Prime, however. My point is to provide an example of a hard lock on with movement relative to the enemy.

And lying about what? My opinion? You can't even lie about...

You know what? Forget it. Trying to address your ad hominem attacks is a waste of time.



How are you manually selecting your target if the AI picks a target that it thinks you want to attack? EXPLAIN!!!

How are you manually selecting your target if you cycle through said targets until you reach the one you want. EXPLAIN!!!

You've just contradicted everything you've said. How are you manually selecting your target if the AI allocates your next target AUTOMATICALLY? HOW?

 ...because you are still picking the target you want to attack with some input besides movement and relative position?

That's literally all a lock on requires to be considered manual. Honestly, how is this such a hard point to grasp? Ninja Theory themselves consider the older titles as the only DMC games to have manual lock ons. 


Are you not getting this yet? I'm a DMC fan. I have in depth knowledge of the franchises combat mechanics, especially DmC. You can't simply write a few sentences to change the physics of the games. I can't lie about DmC's combat, its there to play, I can't change the physics of the game. I suggest you play it before guessing how the combat works. Lol.

Wrong again. DmC features neutral mode. Thus Dante won't lock onto something unless you point the L3 in the direction of the enemy. Dante never automatically targets an enemy when the L3 stick is in netural. If your unhappy about how DmC's manual lock works, take it up with Hideki Itsuno. I'm sure he'll take you seriously.

How does any of this address any of my points?

All I said was that there was no way, outside of relative position and movement, to select a new enemy in DmC. That's all I've said. I never said there wasn't a neutral mode, I never said there was no way to lock on to an enemy, I never said anything about not being able to point L3.

Seriously, what in the world are you talking about?

The proof is in the games themselves. You need to draw on outside sources because you know what your saying is disproved when you actually play Devil May Cry, which you clearly don't know much about.

Right. I'm sure Ninja Theory, Capcom, and the entirety of the DMC fanbase must all be wrong to make room for you to be right.

Any idea of how arrogant you sound right about now?

Whether I like definition or not is irrelevant. You've already contradicted yourself. Hence you know your wrong at this point.

You keep using the word "contradicting." I'm not entirely sure you're aware of its meaning.

Also, you are is contracted to "you're," not your.

Yet those styles don't allow moves to flow seamlessly into each other. Which is why Capcom designed Nero to work without styles. They didn't want the combat to be peicemeal with DmC either. Not to mention a lot of DMC4 Donte's moves are simply copy and pasted from DMC3 Dante. Not to mention Royal Guards freezes Dante in space. He cannot move what so ever. The point of DmC is that Parry never slows Dante down. Not to mention DmC's Parry works identially (even better) than DMC1's Parry. Not sure if that was intentional, but it was awesome to see that as DMC1 fan.

The styles don't flow seamlessly into each other?

Watch the second combo in this video, and pay attention to how many times he switches styles to extend the combo. You must be incredibly unskilled at this game to think that styles somehow slow down gameplay.

DmC can't run higher than 30 FPS on consoles because the PS3 and 360 wern't capable of it. 

Yep. It's the PS3's and 360's fault. Never mind that DMC4, which came out five years earlier, ran at 60 on consoles. Completely the fault of consoles.