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BottledSpringWater said:
Onimusha12 said:

Not to pick sides in this mess but...


60GB - $600 (Now $450)
- Full BC with upscailing required, no rumble.
20GB - $500 (Now $300-$350)
- Full BC with upscailing required, no rumble, no Wi-Fi, various things missing.
80GB - $500
- Limited BC with upscailing required, no rumble.
40GB - $400
- No PS2 BC, still no rumble, but rumble controllers are available seperately (I think?).
Upcomming 120-180GB (which ever it will be) - $???
- ????

360 SKUs:

Core - $300
- Its a core unit 360. (Is a stripped down 360)
Standard - $400
- Its a standard 360. (Is a regulard 360)
Elite - $500
- Its an elite 360. (Has more stuff than regular 360)

Now which do you think is offering the most consumer confusion?

 Ummm. There's way more for the 360 than that buddy.

Try the HDMI-equipped ones and the Falcon, and the two new motherboard or whatever... (someone clarify... lazy) 

Very true. However these aren't presented to the consumer as choices, they're merely modifactions in the production of pre-existing SKUs. And while yes, very confusing, they're something the average consumer will really have no knowledge of.