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The first 3 levels of KZ:SF were very impressive, fun gameplay and exploration, great sound design.

Then I played chapter 4 yesterday. That was a bit of a mess to be honest. Flying into Vekta looked awesome, but the gameplay was mundane and the sound design a far less polished compared to earlier levels. The train station section was extremely bland, there were weird pauses in cut scenes, the sound cut off abruptly between sections and it was generally too noisy on the rear channels during the first segment.

The start of chapter 5 was good again, haven't got further yet.

I haven't got a clue what the story is about, not engaging at all. I guess it's going to be the same as other Killzone games, a couple of great levels and a bunch of mediocre ones.

On the other hand, I can't stop playing AC4, open world sailing is fantastic. Sailing around to find frigates with metal on board, capturing naval forts, I even don't mind the twitchy parkour in between. It still has plenty issues though. Can we please have a run button without constantly running up walls, so annoying. Lemme skip the Abstergo nonsense, not interested. Combat is still meh, it's a good incentive to keep to stealth gameplay on land and air assassinations during ship boarding. Exploring a huge sea more then makes up for it. Got to go hunt some whales now I've opened up the next section.