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Not that I care who plays what, because what I do with my money is none of your concern, and vice versa...but here's a few points I'd like to make.

1) If graphics aren't everything, why have developers sacrificed map sizes, and other game functionality, in order to increase the graphical acuity on console? And why haven't gamer's rejected such tactics?

2) Why do console games with perceived poor graphics, perform poorly?

3) Looking through the posts here on VG, there aren't many 'We're the PC Master Race, tremble before our might" posts...but near the very top? A thread clearly designed to illicit a response from PC Gamers.

This is merely observation, of course. But, it occurs to me that folks who only game on console, or, prefer console as their platform of choice for gaming, have just as many folks who like flaming/baiting others who have a different choice, and then feign indignation when a person who enjoys another platform takes the bait.

For me personally? There's far more to a game than how shiny it looks. Take Stalker, as an example. The graphics at the time were quite good, but what I found so enjoyable and amazing was the X-Ray (AI) engine coupled with the vast open world - which to be frank, is unparalleled - the attention to detail for the area surrounding Chernobyl, and that they made a very serious stab at a physics system (with regards to bullet behavior). To have a map that size, that is continuously interacting with itself, on it's own, whether you're there or not, is quite a feat to achieve. The AI so robust, that initially it had to be scaled back because the NPC's themselves would conquer the game before you uncanny. Roving bands of mutated animals, wiping out outposts, even quest'd be out in the middle of nowhere trying to do something and all of a sudden 'Quest failed', you go back to the area where you got the quest, and everyone's dead, and the area populated with irradiated organisms.  The randomness in Stalker added a level of thrill that I haven't seen many games achieve (and personally, I hope it eventually ends up on console, because it's a fantastic series)

You're right, graphics aren't everything, but, gamer's haven't exactly been voting with their wallets against such tactics either. Games are still rated, and bought based in large part on how they look. I'm GLAD the new consoles have, if nothing else, a fairly robust amount of RAM. That's what was severely lacking in the PS3/360. It will give developers many new avenues to pursue without having to sacrifice in areas where we currently have a standard.

Either way, I hope everyone enjoys the new gen, and the gens to come...but maybe we could ALL stand to be a tad more civilized with each other and remember that every platform has it's less than stellar examples of human beings.