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My personal score is currently at a 4/10, which is one point higher than I originally rated it now that I've had time to really think about the single player campaign. The difficulty wasn't that high to me until chapter 9 where you're trapped in a room and you have to take out what seemed like 60 Helghans in close quarters. I actually died more times in that stupid escort mission where I'm escorting that scientist bitch through space and I somehow get a rocket blaster with infinite ammo, but then as soon as I land, that blaster is gone. The fuck!? I also died a lot on the free falling part of the mission where you go to the destroyed Helghan planet.

There were some epic moments, but they were mostly overshadowed by a terrible and frustrating campaign. Also, there was only one chapter that I enjoyed to completion, and that was chapter 4.

The level design would've been better used if you controlled a team of shadow marshals (2-4), and you could send them to flank the Helghans and stuff. It seems like they tried to make it like Crysis (a terrible game that only deserves a 3/10), by having you play the lone badass. The difference being you're up against smarter AI, there aren't any graphical or AI glitches to be found, and the multiplayer is a lot better.

I played a little bit of the multiplayer and so far, I'm a little dissapointed that it doesn't "feel" like an actual warzone. The menu system is also atrocious. If I play a little more, my score MIGHT raise up to a 6 or 7/10.

I am the Playstation Avenger.