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RG3Hunna said:
SocialistSlayer said:
RG3Hunna said:
ninetailschris said:
Mr Khan said:
thranx said:
Vikki said:
Dark_Lord_2008 said:


Demography suggests that the tea party is the party of the past almost by definition.

One of the things I like to research is politics and I can firmly say your bsing. You most likely doing a generalization based on some news show who told this but never looked it up. I'm not even a tea party member and I know generalizing people like that is flatout dishonest without facts.

I don't think he was trying to bash the "Tea Party" he was just saying they are the party of the past by definition because they hold such extremely conservative beliefs.


Some Tea Party politicians believe that a woman becoming pregnant from rape is a blessing from god (Richard Mourdock) and global warming is a scam and the world gets warm because that's what god intended to happen(Sarah Palin). Another Tea Party politician (Jesse Peterson) believes america took a turn for the worst when women were allowed to vote and thinks we should regulate the female vote. 


The Tea Party is extremely out of touch on what the current generation believes and that is why the republican party basically has two parties fighting amoungst itself, conservatives and extremely conservative. 


Not saying anything is wrong with having those extremely conservative beliefs, it's just that's not the norm in 2013, just like having extremely liberal views isn't the norm. 

thats not at all, what he said. you are delibertly misrepresenting what he said. 

He clearly said life is a gift from God. he also said rape is horrible. the exact opposite of what you just claimed he said.

so stop lying.

You must be a Tea Party supporter because i'm sensing some aggression in your response. Did I say he said rape is a blessing from god? NO! I said they believe women who get pregnant from rape is a blessing from god. You just said he said "life is a gift from god even in an unfortunate situation as rape" so how in the world am I lying on Mr. Murdock? 

and im sensing, deliberate misrepresentation of what someone said due to an agenda. he didnt say getting pregnant from rape is a bleasing. he said life is. He said rape is awful. your lying because he didnt say getting pregnant from rape is a blessing.

While we're at it lets talk about another Tea Party politician aka Todd Aiken who believes the female body is an amazing organism who if it's a "Legitimate rape" the female body has a way of shutting the female reproductive system down so she doesn't get pregnant.

first off todd akin is most certainly not a tea party politician. 2nd what does him being ignorant of biology have to do with him being pro-life, or anything else really? So it turns out the is no hard scientific data suggesting women can shut down their reproductive system in time of stress (rape). that doesnt detract from the fact, he values life, even in the case of rape, and being a baby concieved of rape doesnt make you any less human than consensual sex.

My whole point is the majority of the country doesn't share the same extremely conservative view points so that means the extremely conservative view point is in the minority. 

Like I said the extremely conservative view point is a minority in this country and that's a fact, I mean just look at the 2012 election, the conservative party lost to a guy who has one of the worst economic records in presidential history, yet he destroyed the republican candidate in the electoral college. 

ha... romney conservative. good joke dude. i knew i couldnt take your posts seriously. thanks for confirming it.