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Ghost Recon: I prefer the American one like how the title’s color and background seem to fit better. Hate the ugly ass “Tom Clancy” tag they stick on it.

Dark Sector: I guess I prefer the American one, the half-silhouette, half nothing thing doesn’t really work for me. They’re all pretty uninspired.

Resident Evil 4: Definitely like the Pal version more, very moody and eye catching.

Ratchet and Clank: Pal version is a lot more inviting than the American one. Don’t like the bleeding red clashing with the somewhat cutesy main character. Japan one is just kinda of creepy.

Crackdown: PAL/American versions. Japanese one is way too damn busy. Looks like someone just photoshopped everything they could on top of everything else.

No More Heroes: Not overly keen on any of these, but I like the Pal version best. The American version is literally a piece of promo art with a boring background. PAL version kinda of blurs the top and bottoms of the box and makes it less busy looking than the Japanese one, keeps focuses on the important part.

Motorstorm: Guess I like the American one better for the brighter colors. Moody doesn’t really work for an off-road racer, and the Japanese one seems framed kind of weird.

Metal Gear Solid: Guess the PAL version. (Konami logo on the Japanese one is distracting.) For some reason I don’t think of red when I think Metal Gear though, but the American one is just kind of plain and could be framed better.

Metroid Prime 3: Again, not big on any, but I'd prefer the Japanese one. The whole three Samus’s thing one the PAL/American ones is overkill. (Yes I know one of them is technically Dark Samus.) Least the Japanese one shows more characters.

Kirby Squeak Squad: Not sure why someone decided Kirby needs more attitude to sell in the Western hemisphere, but he’s an idiot. I’d prefer the Japanese one.

Ico: Japanese version. PAL version's colors look too saturated. The American version is a ugly busy mess.