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Final-Fan said:
Sqrl said:
timmytomthegreat said:
Sqrl said:
kazadoom said:
are you reading what you are writing? This is nonsense, it takes more faith to believe this then creation. There are so many ifs and holes in what you are saying it is crazy. You keep talking about adaptation, like bears turning white in the snow, and people getting hairier in colder climates. That is not evolution, because they are still bears, and they are still humans. There is NO evidence that species changed from one species to another on this planet.
Good find. I just wish the article I linked had bothered to provide an update on the matter.

The position you're taking stills leaves the conundrum that you have to admit god doesn't exist to hold the position if you wish not to be a hypocrite.

How you ask?

Glad you asked, let me explain: If your position is that the absence of evidence is the evidence of absence then God himself fails this test and thus by this logic doesn't exist.

As I've already stated in this thread the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence and the position you and Kaza hold is untennable logically speaking.

If your best proof that evolution is incorrect is that they've only proven it to be true of traits within a species then you have a fairly weak argument considering that basic logic can lead anyone to deduce that even large quantities of small changes over time can cause two different populations to diverge significantly enough to become something else. Really that process doesn't take a whole lot of imagination to understand, but somehow your contention is that because nobody on a Video Game website can show you proof that it happened you would proclaim that it never can?
(This question is a repost) Question: When asking for proof that species evolve into different species, do microbes count? For instance, if I could show conclusively that one species of bacterium evolved into a new species of bacterium, would that be satisfactory proof that evolution is a true process that occurs?

Or are you (TTtG) not denying that evolution of species into new species has in fact occurred?

I'd guess no on the basis that "Bacteria is still Bacteria" and not a monkey or something.

It's something i've seen before in such things hence why i didn't bring up the bacteria stuff.

Most creationists want you to show you evolution along the level of pokemon otherwise it's "Adaption" and not "Evolution."

I know it seems odd that i'm mentioning it... but i'm sure it's going to be on one of those procreationist websites anyway so it'll save google some work.